back / Poland localities in the 16th Century

Title Poland localities in the 16th Century
ID / label 1121 / poland16c_24498
Description Localities in the 16th-century Polish Kingdom. The data is a result of a project dating back to the 1960s: "Historical Atlas of Poland. Detailed maps of the 16th century", The subject of the study (published in volumes from 1966 to 2021) are Polish lands in the second half of the 16th century. Each volume consists of two parts. The first includes a detailed main map (scale 1:250,000) showing settlement, relief, afforestation, parish network, state, and church administrative divisions, and roads, as well as overview maps (scale 1:500,000) dedicated to selected issues and plans of chosen cities (scale of 1:10,000). The second part is commentaries containing an overview of the source base, methods of elaboration, and lists of localities (including, name variations, and non-localized settlements) and physiographic names.
# Records 24498
Timespan earliest: 1500; latest: 1600
Source(s) Słoń, M., Słomska-Przech, K. (eds), 2021, Polish lands of the Crown in the second half of the sixteenth century. Part 1-2, Warszawa (
Last modified 31 Mar 2024
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Creator(s) Department of the Historical Atlas at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Contributors T. Panecki, B. Szady


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