back / Archaeological Sites of the Mosul Dam Reservoir Survey

Title Archaeological Sites of the Mosul Dam Reservoir Survey
ID / label 1223 / MosulDam
Description This dataset contains places from a map of archeological sites compiled from a general survey of the Iraqi State Organization for Antiquities and Heritage (SOAH) in 1980 for the Mosul Dam salvage project. Between 1981 and 1988 the Mosul Dam was built on the River Tigris resulting in upstream flooding and the creation of the Mosul Reservoir. Starting in 1981, the SOAH as well as local and foreign archeologists, began the work of excavating sites that would be affected by the construction of the dam. Over the period of six years, more than 60 sites were excavated. Most sites on the map had been previously unknown prior to the 1980 survey.
# Records 149
Timespan earliest: -6500; latest: 652
Source(s) Map of the Upper Tigris, Iraq created by the Iraqi State Organization for Antiquities and Heritage
Last modified 30 Oct 2023
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Creator(s) Paola Sconzo, Francesca Simi
Contributors Alexandra Straub
Citation Simi, Francesca; Sconzo, Paola, 2020, "Archaeological Sites and Villages of the Mosul Dam Reservoir Survey (1980)",, Harvard Dataverse, V2


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