back / Place Names from "The Road to a Christian East" in Peter Frankopan's "The Silk Roads"

Title Place Names from "The Road to a Christian East" in Peter Frankopan's "The Silk Roads"
ID / label 1473 / frankopanchp3
Description Gazetteer of Place Names from Chapter 3, "The Road to a Christian East" in Peter Frankopan's "The Silk Roads." Christianity had solidified itself in Rome, but its roots in Asia still held deep. At this point, the Roman Empire was shrinking, and this chapter's place names reflect the other forces that began encroaching, such as the Xiongnu and Alans. This chapter also highlights some of the earliest and largest Christian communities in Asia like Merv and Kashgar. Frankopan's message is to highlight the reach of Christianity in Asia occurring centuries before missionaries reached England or France.
# Records 103
Timespan earliest: 350; latest: 650
Source(s) Frankopan, Peter. "The Road to a Christian East" in The Silk Roads: A New History of the World. New York: Vintage Books, 2017, 45-61.
Last modified 08 Apr 2024
WHG Permalink
Creator(s) None
Contributors Louise Matthews
Citation Frankopan, Peter. "The Road to a Christian East" in The Silk Roads: A New History of the World. New York: Vintage Books, 2017, 45-61.


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