back / Cyprus Settlements

Title Cyprus Settlements
ID / label 1198 / CYFEB
Description Collection of 1,376 places from the Cypriot settlement dataset created as part of the project ‘EIDOS of a City: simulating the collapse and resilience of ancient Eastern Mediterranean urban environments via agent-based modelling.’ The Cypriot settlement dataset is the first large-scale, publicly available dataset of settlements in Cyprus that includes broad temporal information. The temporal coverage is from 11000 BCE to 1878 CE, from the Cypriot Late Epipalaeolithic to the Cypriot Ottoman period. This temporal information aims to help in the understanding of settlement persistence. The original dataset contains information about periods of occupation and occupation time spans not included in this platform. The temporal information related to each place in this platform represents the earliest and latest known dates of occupation. Katherine A. Crawford is responsible for the data entry and management of the Cypriot settlement dataset. Marc-Antoine Vella contributed a portion of the settlements.
# Records 1376
Timespan earliest: -9999; latest: 2000
Source(s) A list of sources can be downloaded with the original dataset:
Last modified 20 Mar 2024
WHG Permalink
Creator(s) Katherine A. Crawford, Marc-Antoine Vella
Contributors A. Straub
Citation Katherine A. Crawford, Marc-Antoine Vella. Cyprus Settlements. [Data file, last modified 20 Mar 2024]. Retrieved from, 26 Apr 2024


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