back / Utrecht Chronicle of the Teutonic Order

Title Utrecht Chronicle of the Teutonic Order
ID / label 689 / croniken
Description List of towns and commanderies in Livonia and Prussia (formerly) associated with the Teutonic Order (Utrecht Chronicle of the Teutonic Order, chaps 717-726). Source for the transcript: R.J. Stapel, 'The late Fifteenth-Century Utrecht Chronicle of the Teutonic Order : Manuscripts, Sources, and Authorship' (Doctoral thesis Leiden University 2017), Original source for the transcription: Vienna, Deutschordenszentralarchiv, Hs. 392 (Around Utrecht, ca. 1480-ca. 1491, some later additions ca. 1496).
# Records 190
Timespan earliest: 1480; latest: 1546
Last modified 17 May 2023
WHG Permalink
Creator(s) Rombert Stapel
Citation Rombert Stapel. Utrecht Chronicle of the Teutonic Order. [Data file, last modified 17 May 2023]. Retrieved from, 26 Apr 2024


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